Monday 23 November 2009

Apple refuses to repair that smells as tobacco

All companies making household electronics or the computer technics have the similar guarantee policy. If in your purchase factory marriage and failure in work is found out is not caused by external influences, the device are obliged to repair during a warranty period.

Company Apple has a little expanded the list of restrictions for acceptance of production on guarantee repair. The company has refused to one of the clients under repair Mac since it has become permeated with the smell of a cigarette smoke. The similar situation was and last year when to the client have refused under repair, motivating the refusal by that the tobacco smoke can harm to health of engineers.

The recent case has occurred in a workshop where the client has brought iMac the son for repair. To it have informed that repair is not possible, as in the case the tobacco smoke contains, and it is hazardous to health.

Apple Store, making comments on this history, has informed that nicotine is harmful substance absolutely officially. Besides it is forbidden to employees to work with those subjects which can harm to their health.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Frontier guards have detained illicit party of cigarettes

On November, 16th in the evening frontier guards of Kotovsk frontier group have detained on the Ukrainian-Moldavian border of the inhabitant of Razdelnjansky area with cargo of illicit cigarettes.
The 57-year-old infringer has set up on itself 7 boxes of expensive marks of cigarettes of the Moldavian manufacture: Sobranie (500 packs), Davidoff (300), Rothmans (250), Vogue (1250). Only 2300 packs.
According to the arrested person, he intended to realise cigarettes in the Odessa area. Frontier guards have withdrawn cigarettes and have transferred them in customs. The infringer of a frontier regime should bear an administrative liability of infringement of a frontier regime. The preliminary sum of an estimation of the withdrawn has made 23000 grivnas.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

World experience speaks about positive results of increase of the excise on tobacco

The statistics of quantity of smoking citizens in the various countries shows that for decrease in number of smokers it is possible to struggle successfully. One of disputable themes among the Russian experts is increase of the excise rate on tobacco and tobacco products.

The Russian experts assert that increase of excise rates only will temporarily make cigarettes less accessible and, simultaneously, will fill the budget. In their opinion, notable rise in prices for tobacco products quickly enough leads to market filling with the illicit goods. As a result volumes of the means arriving in the budget from the duty, are only reduced, the tobacco branch endures hard times, cutting down manufacture and reducing quantity of tax deductions. But the most important thing: the smoker all the same receives cigarettes under the price accessible to it.

Scientists do not agree with experts and cite as an example New York. Since July, 1st, 2002 the excise has been increased by cigarettes from 80 cents to 1,5 dollars. In a year New York could brag of that incomes in the budget have grown in 10 times! Thus the sales volume has fallen almost twice.

Now Russia has one of the lowest excise rates in the world: about 1 eurocent. For comparison the excise rate on tobacco in Great Britain makes about 5 euros on one pack. In the European Union the minimum rate of the excise (1,28 euros on a pack of cigarettes) which was accepted by all new members of EU is established.

The press select all the rights for advertising alcohol and tobacco

Printed editions of Ukraine in the next year may experience a serious shortage of advertising budget. Most likely, the advertising of tobacco and alcoholic beverages in 2010 will be impossible. Publishers have long been aware of the impending changes. The ban was calculated to "circumvent" due to the registration of publications, as the specialized press. However, last Friday in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted a bill that calls into question the possibility of such a workaround.

It is known that the ban on advertising cigarettes and alcohol in the media comes into force from 1 January 2010. However, to date the law was not clearly defined, a publication can be considered as "specialized". Of course, many publishers re-registered their print publications, as specialized. For all existed at the time of publication of the documents to qualify for the advertising company of tobacco and alcohol.

November 6, 2009 in the Verkhovna Rada deputies of the Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc Yelena Kondratyuk and Nicholas Bagreeva was presented a bill number 5316 "On Amending the Law" On Advertising ". It states that the specialist should be considered only those publications that are in some way illuminate the theme of production, distribution, or consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco, or publications targeted at those engaged in economic activities in these areas.

Publishers unpleasantly surprised by the new bill. After all, their estimates of advertising of cigarettes and alcohol is now about 5% of the total income of the press. Some publications targeted at male audience, can boast that their incomes tobacco-alcohol advertising is 50-60%.

Of course, you can partially bypass and a new bill. A certain level of sales can be saved by the so-called sponsorship packages. If you can not advertise brands of cigarettes Pall Mall, then promote the company British American Tobacco, apparently you can. However, the advertisers themselves belong to such proposals with caution. Desire publishing houses still have the advertising budget does not coincide with the desire of tobacco companies do not risk it. Director of Corporate Affairs «JTI-Ukraine" Dmitry Redko noted that the proposals on advertising through sponsorship packages have already received from the press, but the tobacco company will not be advertised until it knows the exact interpretation of the law.

Most likely the company, selling alcohol, will choose the same way that tobacco companies. Also still in the press were advertising companies only premium product groups. If a transparent and legitimate offers from publishing houses will not, alcohol companies redistribute the budget for other types of advertising. For example, television advertising of alcoholic beverages is legal from 23:00 to 6:00, as well as in the form of sponsorship