Tuesday 17 November 2009

Frontier guards have detained illicit party of cigarettes

On November, 16th in the evening frontier guards of Kotovsk frontier group have detained on the Ukrainian-Moldavian border of the inhabitant of Razdelnjansky area with cargo of illicit cigarettes.
The 57-year-old infringer has set up on itself 7 boxes of expensive marks of cigarettes of the Moldavian manufacture: Sobranie (500 packs), Davidoff (300), Rothmans (250), Vogue (1250). Only 2300 packs.
According to the arrested person, he intended to realise cigarettes in the Odessa area. Frontier guards have withdrawn cigarettes and have transferred them in customs. The infringer of a frontier regime should bear an administrative liability of infringement of a frontier regime. The preliminary sum of an estimation of the withdrawn has made 23000 grivnas.

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